Not many books are burned by the author before anyone can even read it...

Only to be reproduced and sell 6.7 million copies within forty years of publication. But one of America's most beloved classics did: "Where the Red Fern Grows" by Wilson Rawls.

Wilson Rawls' early life was not one to be jealous of. 

He was only sixteen when the American economy was struck by the Great Depression. But even before this tragedy the future author's family home in Oklahoma was quite poor. In fact, with one or two exceptions, "Where the Red Fern Grows" is more an autobiography than a work of fiction. Lack of formal schooling and barely enough money for clothing were real problems for the young Wilson Rawls.

Once on his own, his life didn't seem to improve. 

He became something of a drifter, using his handy man and carpenter skills to acquire jobs in places as far away as South America and Alaska. He had several scrapes with the Law resulting in jail time in both Oklahoma and New Mexico. However, by his late 40s he was working a steady job and in 1958 he married Sophie Ann Styczinski. 

During his drifting years, he had produced five manuscripts, each representing a broken dream.

Due to his lack of education, they contained many spelling and grammatical errors and no punctuation. Embarrassed by this, the author hid them and just before his wedding day burned the manuscripts, not wanting his wife to discover his failed dreams. 

But as usually happens, his wife discovered his secret. 

Millions of readers can be grateful she did. For she not only convinced him to rewrite one of the compositions but corrected any mistakes, added punctuation, and helped him bring the work to publication.

As a result, many of us have hoped and dreamed with young Billy. 

We have followed with pounding hearts the baying of Old Dan and Little Ann. We have experienced the fierce thrill of success as this trio battles the elements, the incredible cunning of their quarry, and even the hatred and cruelty of fellow man. And we may have even shed tears as Billy faces his worst nightmare and questions the worth of life itself. 

Perhaps this book impresses us because it is a story of self-sacrifice. 

It tells us of love, loyalty and the giving of life so that another might live. These are qualities that humanity longs for. There is within each of us an innate need for all of these things. Take the time to read this book. You will enjoy a wonderful story. And perhaps you will be reminded of the One who sacrificed Himself for all mankind.


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