Faithful in All Things: a guide to being a pastor's wife

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by Barbara Bean with Howard Bean

The guide for pastor's wives from Barbara Bean and Howard Bean


Even so must their wives be grave, not slanderers, sober, faithful in all things.(I Timothy 3:11)


Is your husband called to church leadership? Then you, too, are called to fill a special place of service for the Lord. But what if the calling feels overwhelming, encompassing your life and looming larger than you can manage? How can you possibly care for your family, support your husband in church ministry, and minister to ladies in the congregation?


Barbara and Howard bean do not gloss over the challenges facing wives of ordained men. Rather they address the issues head-on with compassion, encouragement, and practical advice. The work before you is great, but God gives grace and strength, and the rewards are many. Faithful in All Things is like a friend you can turn to whenever needed. Settle into your reading nook for a blessing from the Lord through an experienced, caring sister. God is faithful, and you can be too. Faithful is he that calleth you, who also will do it. (I Thessalonians 5:24)